We are a group of local volunteers who give our time to help others in our local area. The only charges we make are for lifts, although we do accept voluntary donations to our scheme for other assistance in order to help us cover our running costs. We cover Greenfield, Flitton, Pulloxhill and Wardhedges.

what do we do?


Mainly to surgeries, dentists, etc in Ampthill, Flitwick and Barton.

Light DIY

Small jobs around the house or in the garden.


When you need someone to talk to.

Form filling

We can help you fill out forms.

Small jobs

Short term dog walking, assistance with meals or cleaning when you're ill

Parish Council

We do litter picking in Greenfield and look after the telephone box library in Flitton.

Please note that we do make a small charge for lifts and we require as much notice as possible in order to arrange for a volunteer to take you. For example, taking you to Flitwick Surgery and dropping you home again would cost only £4.00.

contact us

Should you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team on the number below and we will do our very best to help you. If we don’t answer immediately, please leave a message and we’ll call you back as soon as we can. You can also contact us using our new page on Facebook .

07594 578 741


We are always in need of new volunteers, so if you have some time to spare, please consider volunteering with us. We provide a vital service to people living in our area and without a good base of volunteers to call upon, we would find it difficult to fulfil all the requests made to us.

Anyone living in Flitton, Greenfield, Wardhedges or Pulloxhill can pick up the phone to access our group of local volunteers. We’re all police checked and backed by the Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity who have already set up a number of such schemes in Bedfordshire.